Original Content

Un grupo de amigos encuentran la oportunidad perfecta de deshacerse de Gaby, la insoportable prometida de uno de ellos, cuando descubren que la ella le está siendo infiel una noche antes de la boda. Ahora, tienen pocas horas para descubrir con quién le está poniendo el cuerno para poder deshacerse de ella para siempre, antes de que diga “sí, acepto".
Samuel Ríos y Valles - Los Días Que No Estuve
Feature Film
Los Días Que No Estuve - Samuel Ríos y Valles
A famous television conductor, going through a mid life crisis, decides to fake his death, and being a new renovated free life, until his daughter, who he abandoned, decides to take a vacation on the same exiled beach where he remains hidden.
MIA (2022) forma parte de la Sección de Cortometraje Mexicano de Ficción del #20FICM. Una niña de seis años es llevada a un misterioso viaje por carretera, su actitud inocente hace que el viaje sea entretenido a pesar de la tensión subyacente. Hasta que al final descubrimos que se dirige a trabajar en el campo, una realidad vivida por 3.3 millones de niños mexicanos. Como epílogo, vemos imágenes del documental “Los Herederos” dirigido por Eugenio Polgovsky, que muestra esta realidad mexicana de una manera profunda y poética.
Luis Kuri - Peter and the wolf
Television series
Peter and the wolf - Luis Kuri
This is the story of Peter and the wolf. Antonio is a journalist who seeks to leave his jobt and does not care what he has to do to achieve it, until he exceeds all limits. Meanwhile the police investigate the murder of a prostitute. What is true, what is a lie?
Luis Kuri - OMG!
Television series [Pre-Production]
OMG! - Luis Kuri
After 2019 years, the most powerful man in the world, God, decides to terminate humanity without knowing that the same day he gives out the order, he accidentally falls in love with a young stubborn Mexican woman with a large family, now blindly in love God will have to learn to be human and balance between his two families, work, while living the normality of caos of the end of the world.
Samuel Ríos y Valles - Los Detalles Olvidados
Short film
Los Detalles Olvidados - Samuel Ríos y Valles
When Carlos, who just lost his best friend approaches the casket to say a few last words, discovers that Mateo wakes up and also has some things unsaid, but the dead man's confession goes beyond a mere detail. Did Carlos must forgive Mateo just because is dead?
Karina Minujin - Cualquier Parecido
Cualquier Parecido - Karina Minujin
Cualquier parecido cuenta la historia de Carlota (Camila Sodi), quien, después de separarse de la persona que creía era el amor de su vida, descubre que el dicho “felices para siempre” no siempre es verdad, pero que eso no significa dejar de ser feliz. La serie, producida por Paramount Television International Studios en colaboración con Argos Contenido Original, está dirigida por Karina Minujin
Miguel Ángel Liendo - Resistencia
Short Film
Resistencia - Miguel Ángel Liendo
A tribute to all heroes from Venezuela
Samuel Ríos y Valles - No me mandes a mi
Short film
No me mandes a mi - Samuel Ríos y Valles
One Sunday morning, driving on an empty street, Sergio finds a briefcase on the floor, alone, without any I.D. and full of money. He thinks it's his lucky day. Three days later he finds an anonymous threatening note in his house asking for the money back and with specific instructions for the deliver. We discover that Sergio has been part of an specific plan to collect an amount of money for someone else.
El Piedra
El Piedra
“El Piedra” Salgado, an experienced boxer who is finishing his career as a prominent and renowned fighter while he must deal with the arrival of Breyder, a young boy who claims to be his son.
Karina Minujin - 1989
FEATURE FILM (Pre-production)
1989 - Karina Minujin
Buenos Aires, April 1989. The Stalinist regime in Romania has reached its toughest time, now turned into a police state due to the high level of dissatisfaction and poverty. Simultaneously, Argentina is ending it first democratic government, after years of dictatorship but going through a deep economic crisis, hyperinflation striking. The social atmosphere is turbulent. This context forces Julia, still a teenager, to start working at Mr. Hinch’s home, thus contributing to heal the financial decadence her grandmother and her are suffering from. Julia is peculiar. Her beauty is special; her face looks like and antique porcelain doll, but her clothes reflects kind of a punk posture shared by many teenagers in Buenos Aires, full of freedom but with no purpose or sense of future, living the moment with euphoria. She was born in Buenos Aires but speaks Romanian as she was raised by his Romanian gran parents, though she tries to hide her origin and does not like to speak the languge.
Luis Kuri - En la línea de fuego
Television series
En la línea de fuego - Luis Kuri
En la línea de fuego